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Monday, February 14, 2011

Five Incredible Facts About Valentines Day!

When we heard about valentines day, we always think of having a date or a love related events. We prepared different sweet stuff for our love one, and planning for the best and memorable date.FACTS ABOUT VALENTINES DAY:FACT #1: When Valentines day Originated?Valentines day originated during the time of Roman Empire when Claudius II reign during 270 AD. Claudius didn’t want...

Illuminati – Attracts People Without Knowing It!

A secret society that is either in control of the world or seeking to take control of the world. People must aware of it, they trying to get you without knowing it.Illumninati Its started as a secret society founded by the Jesuit priests, and later a council of five men that represent for every point on the pentagram or they called it as ” Ancient and Illuminated seers of...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Historical Catholic Church in Philippines

Sto. Niño Baselica in Cebu, was one of the historical place of the Philippines. Where the Magellan Cross also can be found.Sto. Niño basilica of Cebu was one of the most popular Catholic church in Visayas. It became one of the historical place that marked the history of Cebu. It is a place where Magellan’s Cross is located the most popular symbol of Cebu. It is one of the...

Lost Ancient Cities in The World – Amazing Discovery

In history, there are many lost ancient cities has been recorded and discovered.Some of these lost cities are consider as amazing lost cities. Among those lost ancient cities there are two the most historical and amazing cities.In history, there are many lost ancient cities has been recorded and discovered.Some of these lost cities are consider as amazing lost cities. Among...